Valerie L Hall playing organ in church

I have a long history of advocating for high musical standards in churches.

I am frequently invited to present workshops on singing, working with youth, and bolstering appreciation for the pipe organ.

For nearly four decades, I have been an innovative leader in Canadian church music, striving to maximize the creative potential of any setting. An interest in church music evolved during my undergraduate years when I became the first Organ Scholar appointed at St. John’s College, University of Manitoba. I subsequently earned a Master of Church Music degree from Concordia University, River Forest, Illinois.  Recently I was awarded an honorary Fellowship of the Royal Canadian College of Organists (FRCCO) “in recognition of my great contribution to the field of organ music in Canada”.

I have held professional appointments as Director of Music and Organist at several cathedrals, including two Anglican and one Roman Catholic. In these positions, I initiated annual concert series, developed early music vocal ensembles and ran successful Organ Scholar programs. I am presently Assistant Organist at St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral, Regina.

I have been elected to various administrative positions within the Royal Canadian College of Organists (RCCO), including: National President (2008-2010), National Chair for Membership (2005-2008), Regional Director for the Prairies (2000-2004), Centre Chair of both Saskatoon and Regina, and most recently, member of the national Strategic Planning Committee.  I am a lifetime  member of the RCCO National Council.

I have appeared as guest recitalist and clinician at several RCCO national festivals and have toured the country as one of their Travelling Clinicians.